Pelvic Organ Prolapse
What is a Prolapse?
A Pelvic Organ Prolapse (POP) occurs when one of the pelvic organs moves downwards from its original position towards or into the vagina. POP can cause discomfort and limit activities of daily living. Women can be quite concerned about having a prolapse, but thankfully, there are so many things pelvic health physiotherapists can do to help.
Pelvic floor muscle training is clinically proven to assist with these symptoms, prevent further prolapse, as well as even reduce an existing prolapse in some cases. It is imperative to have a good pelvic floor to support these organs.
Another alternative is the use of a pessary. These can be life changing for women! Read more about our pessary fitting services here.
Both women and men can also experience a rectal prolapse. These prolapses are not uncommon, and can be resolved in many cases without surgery. Our wonderful pelvic health team are here to help!